Word Clouds

Aim—Create word clouds for two texts to explore the usability of word clouds as an insightful form of text analysis.

Word clouds are another way of visually analysing text. I believe the choice of words in a text can convey larger, overarching themes that the author wanted to explore, and thus through a word cloud, potentially by identifying frequently used words I can identify these themes.

I have then created quick word clouds through WordItOut.com for a text that I have been previously experimenting with, and a new text that is always at the back of my mind.

Reflection on Action—
I figured that creating two word clouds could be beneficial since they are low-effort, and the contrast between the two can give me insight whether any of these word clouds would be potentially useful in the long run, aside from being a qualitative spreadsheet.

Reflection for Action—
After this really brief attempt, I can't think of a use for it. However, if I had to continue this line of experiments, I would try to identify these words in the original text and create a map that connects these words together. Or maybe practise erasure and either keep just these words or erase these words.

"The lure of AI is erotic as much as it is rational"

"The Egg"
